We believe in providing a high quality education that meets the needs of all students in our community. More than 25% of students in Livingston are not enrolled in the public district because the sole public option does not meet their needs or learning style. Our story began with a desire to make education accessible to everyone, regardless of their income, needs, or background. We believe that public education is the right of every child, critical for increased life choice and opportunities, personal well-being, and healthy relationships to self and others.
Our mission is to empower individuals with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in life. We strive to create a supportive learning community that fosters growth, creativity, and innovation. At The Yellowstone Experience School, we are committed to helping our students achieve their goals and reach their full potential.
We believe that learning should be engaging, interactive, and fun. That's why we have developed a unique approach to education that combines varied teaching methods with cutting-edge technology. We embrace Montessori curriculum based on real world Project Based Learning that encompasses the core components of a Steam school. Our school is designed to be interactive, hands-on, and tailored to the needs of each individual student.
The Yellowstone Experience School structure is outlined in the charter draft application to be submitted this fall for approval by the Montana Board of Education.
If you'd like to get involved in refining and contributing to our learning model and charter application, reach out to info@educatio.life
Imagine a school campus designed with a sustainable ethos, featuring architecture that reflects both functionality and aesthetic appeal where students, teachers, volunteers and experts produce food and products for our local community, with with wildlife in harmony with nature, all while learning skills, building character, and forging relationships. Students are engaged in meaningful, real-life learning and LOVE coming to school.
Photo credit: https://www.rowlandbroughton.com/project/farm-collaborative/
Students, parents, educators, and community members should have a voice in what kind of educational options are needed and wanted in Livingston.
Q: Do charter schools attract high-achieving learners away from existing public schools, making education more challenging for traditional classroom teachers and remaining students?
A: Students thrive in different learning environments. That is why we believe in more choice for students in Livingston. Even within the same family, some students thrive in a traditional model with large class sizes and clear expectations while other kids need smaller-group environments with more hands-on, student-directed learning. With both choices in the public district, all kids can thrive.
Q: Can charter schools discriminate against students with special needs and are not required to serve all learners in the Livingston Public School District?
A: A Montana public charter school is held to the same enrollment requirements as existing public schools.
Q: Are charter schools for-profit entities and stand to profit?
A: Montana charter schools are public schools governed by a public board of directors and are held to the same accounting and auditing standards as existing public schools receiving public dollars.
Q: Are charter schools largely failing academically?
A: Public charter schools are not any more or less effective than public schools. The success of any school is accredited to the parents, teachers, administration, and community support of the school.
Opposition exists for varied reasons, but the pushback is rarely about effectiveness. Sometimes it is based on educational philosophy. The values and curriculum of a charter school may be counter to the values of a board member or superintendent, and these new approaches can be experienced as threatening. Sometimes opposition is for fiscal reasons, with the charter school perceived as siphoning students and funds from other schools.
Additionally, despite foundation support, innovative charter schools often have programs that cost more. Utilizing the best new technology and providing lower student-teacher ratios do cost more.
School boards often have issues of concern related to control. Charter schools have a higher degree of freedom in both hiring and curriculum than other schools. This is a plus for the school, but may pose a challenge for district leaders who would like more control over the curriculum and the staffing. Similarly, teachers' unions often object to the fact that seniority within a district plays no role in charter school hiring and that many charter schools are not unionized.
The uneven quality of charter schools has also raised questions with policy makers, parents, and the media. But the fact is that charter schools come under closer scrutiny than traditional public schools, partially the result of resistance to these schools. Also, some of the criticism is the result of excessive expectations. Even the most successful charter schools still face great challenges in improving student achievement -- as do traditional public schools.
Source: Edutopia Charter School Myths
If our community wants to create a challenging, nurturing, meaningful, and sustainable educational option for our students now and into the future, we must work together to build a community school.
Roles needed include:
Charter Application Draft Committee: Revise and draft the charter application.
Fundraising Committee: Raise funds to establish and operate the charter school in addition to public funds.
Spread the Word: Talk to friends and community members to share how this public school supports all more kids in our community.
NEXT Meeting: August 6th, 6pm, Livingston-PC Public Library- downstairs.
Contact us to share ideas and get involved! yeslivingstonkids@gmail.com
Educatio Rad School, Community Locations, Livingston, MT 59047, US
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